  • 52%

    Take on More Projects

    Houzz Pro helps pros take on more business

  • 50%

    Save on Hiring

    Houzz Pro is like having a team member you don't have to hire

  • 73%

    Get Organized

    Houzz Pro keeps businesses and teams organized

  • 82%

    Communicate Better

    Houzz Pro helps pros communicate better with clients

Based on a Dec. 2021 survey of current U.S. Houzz Pro Customers, out of those who had an opinion

Houzz Pro Timeline

Create visual timelines to keep projects on schedule

Keep everyone up-to-date with a clear, visual project timeline. Let clients and team see project stages, due dates and adjust everything in a few clicks when dates move around.


Stay on top of projects with a simple, powerful dashboard

See project status at a glance and give access to relevant team members.

"I love how Houzz Pro makes it so easy to track my orders, billing, and client project progress."
- Wendy Glaister, Wendy Glaister Interiors


Keep your business organized and work better as a team

Create to-do lists for each project and assign tasks to the relevant team members. Manage progress and the status of everything that needs to get done on the Tasks Overview page.

"I am in love. For a professional like me who is multi-tasking constantly, it brings my professionalism and business to the next level. It gives me more quality time to do quality work for my clients."

"The best software for custom home builders. I researched a lot of software before choosing Houzz Pro. The biggest positive? How much is included for the price."
Bryan Payne,
Many Mansions LLC

Unlimited, cloud-based storage to keep project files in one place

Upload and store project-related files on Houzz Pro. Photos and documents attached to estimates and proposals will be automatically saved on your project dashboard. Grant and revoke file access at any time - you’re in control.


Manage on the go

Whether you’re in the field or on the road, you get all the simple yet powerful features of Houzz Pro at your fingertips.

Before using Houzz Pro, I was using a combination of Word, Excel, brain power & handwritten notes. Houzz Pro has helped me wrangle the details. Since the POs and Invoices are linked together all the minutiae is in one place.


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Have questions? Give us a call at (888) 372-2851